Friday, April 10, 2015


How did differences in ideologies and the fear of communism lead to the Red Scare? Our nation has always been an anti-communist nation, ever since people immigrated into our country in the very beginning they were trying to get away from a very dominating government. Theses governments weren’t all communist but most had many communistic traits. So when we hear about communistic events happening it somewhat scares the people in our country because we have learned that we want no part in that type of government system.

                Nothing was scaring the American citizens until our government officials were being put on trial due to beliefs of them being communists. As soon as these allegations took place people didn’t know if they could trust their senators or representatives in congress. It ultimately “scared” them and they had no one to look to for help or to answer questions because they were all being said to be soviet communistic followers. This did not help us when it came to trying to end the cold war between us and the soviets. All these allegations made ending this war a very difficult task.

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