Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bowling for Columbine

In school we recently watched the film Bowling for Columbine. In this film the main topic was gun control in the U.S., it also showed many factors of why people get worked up over gun control, such as school shootings and how easy it is to buy guns and ammunition. I believe that gun control is very important, although I don’t believe our government needs to step in as much as society demands them to. On the other hand I support the fact according to the 2nd amendment we have the right to bear arms, so the government needs to respect that right and continue giving us that right and the freedom that comes with it.

In the 2nd amendment its states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, allow me to break this down so it relates to gun control. When it says well regulated militia, it says here that a well regulated militia means all men accept for few public officials had to be drilled and trained regularly, but the only way any of this would ever be able to happen is if the government allowed unrestricted access to guns. One thing to keep in mind here is that back when this was allowed was when rifles were all single shot guns, now we have semi-automatic guns and fully-automatic guns, so I believe on those two things the government should have limits.

One of the things our video touched on was safety in schools, or not allowing guns near or on school property. I believe that having metal detectors at schools and having a police officer on hand during the day would be very helpful with the situation. The fact that an officer would be at the school all day I believe would discourage thoughts of kids bringing guns in school.

The last thing I would like to touch on is the day Barack Obama passed 23 laws involving gun control. The president pushed the government to these laws by saying he holds the highest power and thus gets to make these types of decisions. Although most of the laws he passed like making more personal information relevant and available for the back ground checks, may seem unnecessary and I believe certain things should be kept out of the background checks. But I do believe that background checks need to be continually done and keep being done. This should be something that helps limit who can and cannot have guns.

I believe that gun control is a huge thing that needs to be watched in our country, but I do not think the government should be able to bud into respectful law – abiding gun owner’s lives and take away rights that the constitution gave them. All in all we need to make sure and protect our rights and eventually we will have to accept what laws our government set for us. I just hope they keep in mind that guns aren’t only used for killing people; many people own them for lots of things like recreational activities and never plan on using them for violence these people need to keep their rights, and the government needs to remember that when passing gun control laws.


  1. The first question that arose in my mind while reading your blog is this, should all guns be single-shot muskets? This is what you seem to state in your second paragraph. I also agree that gun control should be regulated to certain people. Overall it was an average written blog.

  2. I like your third paragraph about gun safety in schools. I think that both of your suggestions in this paragraph could be beneficial to improving safety in schools. In your closing paragraph you talked about people using guns for recreational activities, and I agree with that statement. Guns should not be taken away because some people do use them for positive reasons.

  3. I too believe that there should be certain restrictions on automatic weapons. I also agree that just because you own a gun doesn't mean your going to kill someone. People also use them for recreational activities. Real good blog.

  4. I liked the blog and the thoughts but I need you to improve the readability factor. Ask me in class about this. Yes, responsible gun owners should not be punished by the acts of a few.
