Friday, April 10, 2015


How did differences in ideologies and the fear of communism lead to the Red Scare? Our nation has always been an anti-communist nation, ever since people immigrated into our country in the very beginning they were trying to get away from a very dominating government. Theses governments weren’t all communist but most had many communistic traits. So when we hear about communistic events happening it somewhat scares the people in our country because we have learned that we want no part in that type of government system.

                Nothing was scaring the American citizens until our government officials were being put on trial due to beliefs of them being communists. As soon as these allegations took place people didn’t know if they could trust their senators or representatives in congress. It ultimately “scared” them and they had no one to look to for help or to answer questions because they were all being said to be soviet communistic followers. This did not help us when it came to trying to end the cold war between us and the soviets. All these allegations made ending this war a very difficult task.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

U.S. vs. Soviet Union

                What caused the U.S. to get involved in the war rather than the Soviet Union? It all comes down to our different ideologies, ours involves how we always love helping out the other small countries around the world that are being “bullied” by bigger countries or countries that have different governments like communistic ones like North Korea. So when the war began we saw a small country getting bullied by a bigger communist one and we decided we needed to pitch in and help. The main reason we did is 1. Because at that time our country was still scared of changing into a communist government, and 2. We also love helping out small helpless countries.

                The difference between the U.S. and the Soviet Union is they think more about themselves and we act like a big brother to all of the other countries in the world. Sometimes this gets us in trouble but other times it helps us keep good ties with countries and may give us opportunity to their resources.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

US vs. USSR Agriculture 101

What are the differences between Soviet Union agriculture and the agricultural practices of the United States? It all starts with the role of the government in our society. The Soviet Union has a communistic government which is based on the idea “that everyone shares everything” and that is why their agriculture is the way it is. It started with many small farms that the government owned but farmers farmed, the thing is they weren’t making the maximum production they could. Later the government decided to merge all the individual farms into large state collective farms, that government continued to own.

In the United States we do things differently. The government doesn’t own our farms but they have a few different regulations and rules that we have to follow but for the most part we can ultimately do whatever we want to our fields. We can grow any crops we want on them and we can sell them and receive the profit for them because we own them not the government.

The thing that is the most different between our ways of living and our ways of farming is government conflict. The government is concerned with how we live and with what we do on our farms, because that helps our economy and keeps our country running. Where in the USSR the government owns everything and they receive all of the profits from farming. So the work ethic from farmer in the US is better than those in the USSR due to the fact that the US farmer gets to keep his earnings after he sells his crops.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Doctors Behind Nanking and Nazi Camps

Two doctors of World War II that most people don’t know about are Dr. Joseph Mengele and Dr. Shiro Ishii. These two men you may or may not know and I would go out on a limb and say most of you have no idea who they are. These men were doctors trying to find out ways to test ideas that they had conjured up in their minds. What better way for they thought to do it was to test them on people that the German or Japanese armies were already going to execute. These men tested theories that would make your heart skip a beat hearing about them and how horrible they were, but this is one of the good reasons we have history is to learn from mistakes of the past like theirs and never make them again. I suppose I should tell you a little about these men and why they are so horrible.

First off are a few things that are very similar about these men. They both were skilled doctors before the war began; the military found them and wanted them to test their hypothesis on some of their prisoners. For instance the Germans always wanted more Aryians which were blonde hair blue eyed people so they had Mengele work on trying to genetically change the prisoners that had twins to make more Aryians. Through most of these procedures he ended up killing off most of the little kids and twins. Now Ishii on the other hand also tortured his prisoners by testing out theories we know today such as putting them in a hypothermic state, giving them frostbite, simulating heart attacks and strokes, forced abortions, and vivisections. He mostly worked with psychological ideas but he also worked with the idea of a germ warfare where he would unleash plagues and other devastating diseases to kill of entire populations.

The reason these two men were not treated the same way after the war was due to the different ways they handled their situation. Mengele wasn’t not remorseful for what he had done, and that eventually landed him in the court system. On the other hand Ishii had made an earlier agreement that if he told everything about his practices and about germ warfare that they couldn’t not jail him after the war was finished.

These two men were very bad people and I believe they both should have been jailed for what they had done and honestly I believe they should have been executed as well. On a final note, I believed that the Nanking was worse for the prisoners than the holocaust. In the Nanking there was much more brutality such as the raping and beating of the ones being raped.  In the holocaust they made the prisoners usually work and they got fed less but the torture aspect wasn’t nearly as bad as being raped to death or near death during the Nanking. I enjoyed the movie and am glad we watched it, it helped me learn more about WWII and what really happened.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Lets Go To War

To war we shall go! The United States of America needs to help with the uprising war in the eastern countries. Why is this you all may ask, our country is and has been founded and brought up by immigrants. People who were originally from some of those eastern countries and we need to show appreciation and support for what they have done for our country by helping solve the conflicts in theirs.

One thing most of you must want to happen is to see all of the central powers fall to create an opportunity for independence of your homeland. After all isn’t that why you came to America. After all they killed the Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand this should be one item that will spark a little bit of a fighting spirit in some of you. We shall join the war and help out your homeland and show Germany who they are dealing with. You all know what is at risk, your homeland’s independence we can’t let Germany over rule everyone and make them the biggest and strongest central power in the world. One reason that Germany thinks they have the upper hand is due to nationalism they support. This kind of nationalism supports when an action goes against the nation’s interest warfare will fix the problem. This kind of nationalism is what started this war and we need to put an end to it.

So let us fight alongside Great Britain and show Germany what the United States is all about. If war is what they want then war is what they will get. Lets put an end to Central powers and end this war!