Sunday, December 14, 2014

Torturing Methods

                The torturing of many suspected terrorist has blown up the media lately. It seems like all we have to talk about is which terrorist group is the worst. But the stuff in the news is no longer about which group is the worst it’s how we are torturing the suspected members of those groups. The biggest issue now is the methods we are using, to torture them for information about the suspected terrorist group. A large investigation by the CIA has brought out many secrets about these places that we never knew before.

                One of the places that the CIA talked about was a place called the Sand Pit. This place was perfect because is possessed a dungeon like atmosphere where they kept all of the prisoners. One of the typical torture techniques most of us would think of is water boarding. I found out in through this investigation that waterboarding wasn’t actually one of the techniques used in in the sand pit. Some of the people explained that we would literally beat and torture these prisoners to the point of almost disfunctionality.  We actually pushed some prisoners to death. This is too far and we need to make changes to our torture techniques.

                Now onto another article I read, that told about how two former Air Force psychologists came to $80 million dollars through developing torture techniques. These two men prior to this newfound occupation had no intelligence of how to interrogate, tactics of torture, information about al Qaeda, these men were rookies as some may say. But we trusted them to make up new torture methods for our country. I can already see how this made issues for our ways of not getting information out of our torturees. The people who make the methods on how they get tortured have no experience in this field.

                Here is a list of techniques I found that tells about what different torture methods were used in theses prisons. One of the main methods is sexual assault or humiliation they would sexually assault the prisoners and or make them be naked and humiliate them in front of others. Then onto things such as sleep deprivation and mock burials where they would put said prisoner into a casket and pretend to bury them as if they were stuck in there till death. This technique would seem effective but most of the time these techniques acquired us no new information making them ultimately useless.

                I believe we should torture terrorists for the just reason of why we have them in our custody in the first place. Also if torturing them can get us useful information then I believe we should continue doing it. One thing that is for sure is that we need to find and or hire people that are trained and have studied how to do so before just asking random people to take care of it for us.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


There are many places around the world where people believe that catholic priests are sexually abusing and raping young children. The reason this stereotype is, is because of people we call muckrakers. A muckraker is a person that goes finds things that are happening in the world and they seek to bring out the bad things or help find ways to exploit the wrongdoings of others. So you could say they are just another way the media in the world makes thing worse.

                In the case I’m talking about today I found that it is believed that catholic priests are using kids between the ages of 11 and 14 for their own sexual extravaganzas, In other words as their own personal love makers. While I believe this isn’t true to all catholic priests, but to some of the ones that may already have personal issues with this specific case.  It is said that in the United States there are fewer catholic priests touching kids then there is in say Canada and Ireland and Switzerland. Those places at least have instances where the priests are caught and the case brought forth to the law enforcers. One reason for bringing this type of thing out about catholic priests is so that it makes other religions seem superior or stronger. It is a way for other religions to attract followers and strengthen the force of their faith.

                Now when it comes to whether or not this is actually happening we don’t know for sure. But we do know that, yes some cases have been brought forward and we have found that priests are as a matter of fact touching and raping some kids. But it should not be put on all priests as a stereotype. I believe that for the most part catholic priests are safe and people don’t need to change their faith due to being scared about their kid being touched. Just remember at all times that if you are going to leave your child unsupervised with any adult that you know and trust the individual.

                One thing is for sure muckraking makes the media interesting. It is one thing we all enjoy reading and listening to in the media. No matter what happens in the future they are always going to be out their making things interesting for us and sometimes blowing it all completely out of proportion.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Taking Chance

The lessons I learned from watching this movie include how it portrayed how people in our country pay respect for our fallen soldiers. It brought an entirely new reality to how I think about soldiers and what they have done to our country. Those men and women pay the ultimate price for our country everyday of their lives. I also would like to share with you a phrase I saw on a shirt the other day that has a lot to do with soldiers risking their lives for us and what traits help them do it. The shirt had a picture of Mount Rushmore on it and it said America the land of the free because of the brave, this shirt is the perfect example of why we have our freedom and it helped me respect soldiers more.

The movie Taking Chance was full of inspirational moments and I could not even try and list every one of them but I’ll do my best with my favorites. First off I enjoyed at the beginning of the movie when it showed Lieutenant Michael Strobal family life and how he loves his two kids and his wife. Then that night when he was looking at the casualty lists and he noticed a name from his hometown was on it. He didn’t even know this man in during his life but he showed respect and wanted to take him home out of the sheer goodness of his heart and he felt that it was his duty to take him home. That showed me just how much respect military servicemen have for each other whether it’s your best friend or just a kid that came from your hometown the level of respect for each other is something most people will never understand.

Now onto the way this movie portrayed how people showed respect not only on the military level but how civilians showed respect for the fallen and other servicemen.  As the soldier was being taken on and off of the airplanes at airports it touched many people’s lives. I have never been at an airport when this has happened but I know if I ever am I will show the utmost respect for the fallen soldier. Like many of the people in the movie showed how they cared and showed sympathy for the fallen’s family members. I know that even though some of them did not say anything to the escort they were showing some type of respect. I noticed in the movie a small child looking through the window at the airport toward the casket and escort, by showing this child looking at the casket I believe the movie was trying to show how even the most innocent of all human beings can show honor and respect to the fallen. I learned that people who also don’t know who the fallen member is or weather he/she was in the military or not they will show respect to them. This is something I intend to do for the rest of my life.

Now onto the last thing I noticed many people during Michael’s trip came up to him and told him to tell the family that the soldier was in their prayers and they thanked him for his service. One thing I do on occasion is walk up to a soldier and tell them thank you for what they have done for our country, whether they served or sit in an office and help our country in other ways no matter what they are helping our country and I thank them for it.

This movie has shown me a lot of very good life lessons. It showed how to respect people, and how to show respect for people. I loved how the movie made everything seem extremely touching and it helped me learn the lessons it was teaching with more integrity and emotion making me grasp the lesson better. I would recommend this movie to anyone.